
Container 36 & 37

On Marth 7 tens of volunteers of Het Syrische Comite came together to load aid materials into the 36th & 37th containers so they are sent to Northern Syria. This could have only been done with the help of donations in a recent campaign so the…
AlNofara: Revolution & Women

In the shadow of the revolution and the events that accompanied it since 2011, Syrian women were subjected to special suffering in addition to their suffering before the revolution, they also faced new challenges and achieved exceptional leaps that w…
Stand for #Idlib

After the recent attack on Hama and Idlib countryside by Russia and the Assad regime and the displacement of hundreds of thousands of civilianswith nowhere to resort to , and where there’s no escape from the inevitable shelling of their homes, hospi…
Container 34 & 35

On December 21st tens of volunteers of Het Syrische Comite came together to load aid materials into the the 34th container so they are sent to Northern Syria. This could have only been done with the help of donations in a recent campaign so the mat…
AlNofara- Dialogue of Syrian Identity

After all that Syria has been through during the past period, it has become necessary to open dialogues between different Syrians “with different identities”. Therefore, Het Syriche Comite hosted café AlNofra, in Utrecht this time, to have a conve…
AlNofara Cultural Evening

Het Syrische Comite hosted on the 14th of September in cafe (Nofra) the artist Faris Helou This activity was part of the committee’s cultural and social activities.
A Little Sun- a unique Syrian film, produced in 2007 was screened.
Then we talked …
Ghouta Chemicals- Idlib Massacre

On the Sixth anniversary of the chemical attack on Ghouta, the killing machine of the Assad mafia and Russian forces continues to use all kinds of weapons for areas outside their control, targeting hospitals, schools and civilian centers.
Conferentie 2019

Members of Het Syrische Comite met on Saturday 15-6-2019 in Rotterdam on the sixth periodic conference in the presence of the board and a number of guests.
The annual report and the financial report for the last period were read.
And then the membe…